Why Pu Erh Tea Upsets Your Stomach And How To Prevent It

Pu Erh tea cake.

Sometimes after drinking a lot of Pu Erh tea, you may not feel well. Symptoms like nausea and an upset stomach are common when drinking too much tea at the wrong time. Here you will learn what causes these symptoms and how you can prevent yourself from becoming nauseous and feeling ill while drinking Pu … Read more

Categories Tea

Can You Drink Cold Brew Pu Erh Tea? Be Aware Of Hazards!

Cold brewed Pu Erh tea in a porcelain tea cup.

Most teas are heat treated either through steaming or roasting. These processes are required to make the tea safe to drink without boiling water. With Pu Erh tea the process is more complicated than with some other types of tea. Tisanes are rarely heated before you actually brew the tea and should always be made … Read more

Categories Tea

Why Tea Makes You Hungry Through Physical Stress

Tea leaves steeping in a Gaiwan.

Feeling hungry after drinking tea is a common occurrence. Be it green tea, pu erh tea or oolong tea, many people seem to have experienced this. Even eating lunch before drinking tea does not always prevent this. Tea is often recommended for weight loss, so hunger is not something you would want. Here I want … Read more

Categories Tea

Why Pu Erh Tea Tastes Like Fish And How To Save Your Tea!

Freshly brewed Pu Erh tea.

Sometimes with cooked (fermented) Pu Erh tea, you may notice an unpleasant and fishy smell or taste. While this luckily is not extremely common, it could easily throw you off cooked pu erh tea. Not everybody likes Pu Erh tea that tastes like fish. Even if you got your hands on one of these disgustingly … Read more

Categories Tea

Caffeine Content Of Cooked Pu Erh Tea – Rumors Are Wrong

Wet oolong tea leaves.

Have you ever tried to drink raw Pu Erh tea in the late evening and been kept awake for hours on end? Cooked Pu Erh tea is fermented and aged artificially and could, according to rumor, be a solution to this problem. A valid alternative if you are not allowed to consume as much caffeine … Read more

Categories Tea

A Guide To Loose Pu Erh Tea Storage – Tips & Tricks

Pu Erh tea stored in a tin tea storage container.

By the time your collection starts to grow faster than you can drink your tea, you might be asking yourself how you should store your loose Pu Erh tea correctly. You want it to age properly, don’t you? Pu Erh tea can be stored as cakes or loose, which has different effects on its aging … Read more

Categories Tea