Your Tea Tastes Like Soap? 3 Reasons For Soapy Flavor In Tea

Strong cup of earl grey tea.

Some of us have experienced quite unusual taste notes while drinking tea. Varying teas offer different taste profiles, but sometimes a tea may exhibit unpleasant taste. Some tea tastes like soap and is rather undrinkable. A few years back I bought a black tea from a well-known brand straight off the shelves in the supermarket. … Read more

Categories Tea

4 Reasons Why Black Tea Tastes Bitter And What To Avoid

Freshly brewed black tea.

Have you ever had a cup of black tea that tastes bitter? This morning a friend of mine was brewing a Jun Jun Mei I recently got her as a sample. She prefers to brew her tea in a larger kettle, which at first resulted in a delightful and sweet first cup of black tea. … Read more

Categories Tea

The 2 Oldest Pu Erh Teas In The World You Will Never Taste

Aged loose raw Pu Erh tea.

Many pu erh enthusiasts keep hunting for the rarest and oldest pu erh tea. And why wouldn’t they? There are few things in the world that are as satisfying as tasting some very old, properly aged tea that only very few people have tasted. There are many lower quality aged pu erh teas on the … Read more

Categories Tea

Why You Should Rinse Your Pu Erh Tea And Hazards To Avoid

Loose leaf raw Pu Erh tea next to the Pu Erh tea cake.

It is common practice to rinse Pu Erh tea at least once before you start brewing. You might have started this habit without truly understanding why you would want to do this. Rinsing your tea is part of traditional Chinese tea ceremonies, but has important reasons for casual and everyday tea brewing, too. SHORT ANSWER … Read more

Categories Tea

How To Cold Brew Oolong Tea And Additional Tips And Tricks

Loose leaf roasted oolong tea.

Cold brewing tea is easily the best method to enjoy tea in the hotter summer days. Teas with less heavy and more fruity or floral notes create very tasty and refreshing tea. There are a few things you need to know to produce the perfect cold brew from oolong tea. This article will help you … Read more

Categories Tea

Ideal Humidity Levels For Pu Erh Tea Storage And Collection

Loose Pu Erh tea leaves.

While there are limits to the humidity levels that can be chosen, in the end, it comes down to personal preference depending on which taste you want your tea to develop in the future. Anyone who further and further expands their Pu Erh tea collection will sooner or later wonder about the optimal storing conditions. … Read more

Categories Tea