3 Easy Ways You Still Can Drink The Tea If The Bag Breaks

Broken tea bag.

Don’t you hate it when your tea bag breaks? The leaves either falling into your tea or everywhere in your tea drawer or cabinet. Every now and then bad luck seems to strike. Even with more expensive tea bags made for loose leaf tea, there are times at which the bag does not properly hold … Read more

Categories Tea

Is It Safe To Drink Expired Tea? Take These 5 Precautions!

Expired Chai Tea.

Sometimes you may find old samples or forgotten tea stashes and you wonder if it is okay to drink the old and expired tea. This is exactly what happened to me today.  I went through my tea stash and found an old sample for some Chai tea supposedly produced in Chennai, India a few years … Read more

Categories Tea

How To Make Your Pu Erh Tea Taste Better In 11 Easy Steps

Low bitterness raw Pu Erh tea.

Sometimes you are bound to come across a Pu Erh tea that doesn’t produce an enjoyable tea. There are a couple of ways that you can get your Pu Erh tea to taste better. I have listed some methods I have personal experience with and which I want to share with you. Pu Erh tea … Read more

Categories Tea

How Do You Dry Tea Leaves? 4 Quick And Easy Ways That Work!

Tea leaves dried by hand.

When you invest time and gather tea leaves you may want them to last for a while. The quick decay of leaves is a major problem. How do you preserve tea leaves? Tea leaves are most commonly preserved by dry storage. Removing the moisture from the leaves prevents the growth of micro-organisms like mold and … Read more

Categories Tea

Do Tea Leaves Have To Be Dried? Reasons And The Alternative

Sun-dried tea leaves.

Tea leaves are commonly dried before you use them for brewing. The origin legend of tea tells the story of a fresh tea leaf slowly falling from a tea tree into a cup of hot water. Fortunate fo the lucky traveler with the tasty beverage we all love. The obvious question here is: Can you … Read more

Categories Tea

Drinking Pu Erh Tea In The Morning – What Is The Catch?

Pu Erh tea stored in a kraft paper bag.

In the life of every tea-enthusiast comes the day where your coffee consumption is questioned and you consider drinking Pu Erh tea early in the morning instead. Maybe you can substitute the beans with the preferred tea leaves? Pu Erh tea often has a good punch to it. A good cup of this tea should … Read more

Categories Tea