Should Your Tea Bag Float Or Sink? What You Need To Know

Tea bag floating in water.

Everyone that regularly uses tea bags will have noticed that tea bags will sometimes float and sometimes sink below the surface quickly. There are a few reasons why this happens. You may be thinking that there is some harmful reason for this, but that is not the case! If you want your tea bags to … Read more

Categories Tea

Pu Erh Tea Loose Or Cake? Differences In Taste And Storage

Dayi Menghai tea factory 7542 raw Pu Erh tea cake.

When looking for Pu Erh tea you will come across compressed cakes, bricks, and Tuo Chas quite a lot. But most vendors have uncompressed, loose Pu Erh tea in stock, too. How is a Pu Erh tea cake and loose-leaf Pu Erh tea different in taste and aging? There are plenty of varieties of Pu … Read more

Categories Tea

Is Green Tea An Acquired Taste? Why Don’t I Like Green Tea?

Loose leaf green tea in a tin tea storage container.

As with many things in life, your first experience with green tea may not have been a positive one. Many people enjoy green tea, be it Chinese, Japanese or green tea from New Zealand. Is it an acquired taste? If you are reading this article there is a good chance you have had a negative … Read more

Categories Tea

Can Tea Bags Get Moldy? Spot And Prevent Mold In Tea Bags

Collection of various tea bags.

Tea bag collections tend to grow out of control rather quickly. Sooner or later you will have more tea than you can drink. Will the older tea bags grow mold? Do you need to throw them out? The growth of mold is heavily dependent on the environment. If you store your tea bags properly, there … Read more

Categories Tea

Is Yesterdays Tea Safe To Drink? 5 Things You Need To Know

A mug of black tea.

Brewing a cup of tea can be a great way to help you relax after a stressful day. But sometimes you may forget about your tea. What happens if you fall asleep and leave your tea out? Can you drink overnight tea? To answer this question, I did some research. As you would expect, the … Read more

Categories Tea

Can You Make Your Tea Without Water? Milk Tea Experiments

Brewing tea directly in milk.

In many cultures around the world, milk is added to the freshly brewed tea in varying quantities. This is most likely due to the ability of milk, as an additive, to cover up the bitterness of the tea. You may have tried adding milk, cream or sugar to your tea, but have you ever tried … Read more

Categories Tea