Why Does Tea Foam? Should You Be Concerned About Foamy Tea?

Foam on a cup of black tea.

Whenever I am brewing a cup of tea, some foaming will occur. I have wondered many times over the years why that is and if I should care if the tea does foam. With some understanding of the mechanics behind foaming and the formation of bubbles, I did some research on what is in the … Read more

Categories Tea

Why Is Tea Brewed in Hot Water And Not At Room Temperature?

Loose leaf green tea floating in a glass of water.

Tea is more often than not brewed in hot water with the water temperature ranging between 140 °F for delicate green teas and 212 °F for more robust, oxidized and roasted teas. Nowadays, cold brewing tea is becoming more and more common while brewing tea with hot water still is the norm. Brewing tea with … Read more

Categories Tea

Why Does Tea Smell Better Than It Tastes? Deceived By Smell

Wet loose leaf oolong tea leaves in a gaiwan.

The smell of tea leaves is delightful. Holding dry tea leaves to the nose or smelling the freshly brewed leaves .. it is hard to get enough of it! But often the tea does smell better than it tastes. When the aromatic and delightful tea has been steeped and you take the first sip of … Read more

Categories Tea

Why Does Tea Have Caffeine? How Tea Fails To Protect Itself

Loose leaf tea brewed in Chinese yixing teapot.

Tea made from camellia sinensis contains varying amounts of caffeine. Oxidation, fermentation, steaming and roasting aren’t able to change this fact. But why does tea contain caffeine? I have wondered about the exact reasons for caffeine being a major part of tea leaves for a while. For this reason I have done some research on … Read more

Categories Tea

Keep Tea In The Fridge: Benefits, Reasons, Risks & Problems

Loose leaf da hong pao oolong tea on bamboo.

Tea can be stored below room temperature for better long term storage capabilities. Storing tea correctly is essential if you want to enjoy your tea over extended periods of time. There are some major benefits to storing appropriate teas in the fridge or the freezer. But there are risks and things to be avoided when … Read more

Categories Tea

Should You Mix Different Teas? Do Not Make These 3 Mistakes

Experiments with mixing teas in a tea session.

Mixing teas has become a common practice to make teas which you have not been drinking for a while interesting. Combining teas of the same type or different types can yield a more complex flavor if the teas are complimenting each other. When I considered mixing my teas together, I was wondering whether the types … Read more

Categories Tea