
TeaSteeping.com is a tea blog that accumulates tools and valuable information to help both beginners and tea enthusiasts learn more about tea and everything related to tea.

TeaSteeping.com is currently mostly known for direct and no-nonsense answers to questions people commonly have while providing information based on research and experience.

I want to provide accurate and in-depth information for tea enthusiasts and beginners alike. The content of this tea blog is made for you, the reader.

The Story Behind TeaSteeping

My name is Jens Friis and I own and operate TeaSteeping.com. It has been many years since I have had my aha moment with tea. Since then I have gained experiences and collected tea and teaware. The image above shows my first three clay teapots for raw Pu Erh tea, cooked Pu Erh tea, and rock oolong tea respectively.

Yixing teapot collection.

Here I want to tell you about TeaSteeping.com and I do not want to go into much more detail with my personal background here. If you are interested in reading more about me, have a look at the About Jens Friis page.

For more years than I have been keeping track of, people close to me have come to me for answers to any questions related to tea. My relatives, friends, and colleagues kept asking questions long enough to get me interested in sharing my experiences and knowledge on the internet.

Finally, in 2019, I started TeaSteeping.com as a tea blog to share both experiences and information on tea and everything related. This tea blog was not created for my personal tasting notes and irrelevant content, though.

There is a lot to learn about tea and the culture behind this worldwide phenomenon. To me, it is very important that quality and in-depth information on tea is available to everyone. If you have any questions or suggestions about tea or TeaSteeping.com, feel free to Contact Me!

Why Create A Blog On Tea

It is common knowledge that tea is one of the most consumed beverages in our world, second only to water. There are people drinking tea in every country of this world, be it beginners or enthusiasts.

Tea is part of the cultural heritage of this world and one of the most widespread and common ones, too! Experiences and information on tea can be shared across the world and connects all of us.

Many countries produce tea including countries of most continents. Even in the UK and Germany, tea plants are being grown, harvested and the leaves processed for consumption.

Tea is a global heritage and worth taking part in and sharing with others. This blog covers tea, different tea types like pu erh tea and oolong tea and various related topics like teaware and tea culture. If you are interested in tea, you have found the right place.

My Story

My first cup of tea.

I grew up in a family that made tea every single day. Tea has been a major part of my childhood and still is most important to me today. There is no other subject I am as interested in and obsessed with as tea.

Tea has been with me for years, but my obsession did start back in my teenage years. My parents and I visited my sister and her boyfriend in their new apartment. My sister offered to make us some tea.

She grabbed a sample and started heating the water. When the water reached the perfect temperature, she poured it into the teapot and served the tea shortly after. It was a white tea, Bai Hao Yin Zhen or Silver Needle to be exact.

While I had previously tasted tea, this was a new experience for me. I have not had any cup of tea that was so delicate but complex at the same time. I have even documented the tea I have had that day and you can see that cup on the image at the beginning of this post.

Why I Started TeaSteeping.com

The interest that my key experience with tea has sparked led me to experiences and intense research related to tea. I have had uncountable cups of tea in my life and I have cherished and assessed every single one of them.

After relatives, friends, and colleagues started asking me a question about tea I noticed that my interest could help other people. Sharing experiences is one of the major joys of life and with TeaSteeping.com share my experiences and what I have learned about tea.

I hope you have a great experience on this website and find the content that you are looking for. If otherwise or if you have any other questions related to tea or about TeaSteeping.com, please be sure to Contact Me.